When you drink this tea, you should take a moment for yourself. Because the combination of carefully selected green teas and delicious fruits and herbs is a real treat. Who doesn't dream of eternal life?
Ingredients: Green tea China Sencha, -Ming Mee, white tea China Pai Mu Tan, green tea China Gunpowder, green tea China Wu Lu, flavouring, red and black currants, ginseng root, cornflower blossoms, apricot pieces (apricot, rice flour) (1%)
Grüner Tee China Sencha, -Ming Mee, weißer Tee China Pai Mu Tan, grüner Tee China Gunpowder, grüner Tee China Wu Lu, Aroma, rote und schwarze Johannisbeeren, Ginsengwurzel, Kornblumenblüten, Aprikosenstücke (Aprikose, Reismehl)(1%)