This tea got its name not only because of its exotic passion fruit taste, but also because it contains an incredible amount of passion. Or what do you call finely arranged green teas combined with sweet fruits and exquisite herbs?
Ingredients: Green tea China Sencha, -Wu Lu, -Jasmine, green tea Darjeeling, candied pineapple pieces (pineapple, sugar), candied mango pieces (mango, sugar), natural flavour, passionflower herb, rose petals, cornflower blossoms, marigold blossoms, mallow blossoms
Grüner Tee China Sencha, -Wu Lu, -Jasmin, grüner Tee Darjeeling, kandierte Ananasstücke (Ananas, Zucker), kandierte Mangostücke (Mango, Zucker), natürliches Aroma, Passionsblumenkraut, Rosenblütenblätter, Kornblumenblüten, Ringelblumenblüten, Malvenblüten